Department of Mechatronics Engineering
Mechatronics refers to a flexible, multi-technological approach for integration of mechanical engineering, computer engineering, electronics and information sciences. Mechatronics is essential in the design of intelligent products. It allows engineers to transform their virtual concepts into real life applications. It is a relatively new concept relating to the design of systems, devices and products aimed at achieving an optimal balance between basic mechanical structure and its overall control. The programme involves research and coursework that will push the frontiers of technology in intelligent product design and development. The research activities involve design and control of intelligent robotic systems and automated machines. Modern state-of-the-art industries have changed rapidly from pure mechanical-, manufacturing-, and process-controlled type to electro-mechanical, fully automated and computerised. It has become the requirement for people working on those processes and production lines to have knowledge of all the related systems.
Considering the need of the time most of the state of the art industries in the world have changed from pure mechanical, manufacturing or process controlled to the ones where the processes are more of electromechanical, fully automated and mostly controlled by computers. To achieve the quality products even the most simple production lines and production processes in the industries have a blend of computers in them. It has become the requirement for people working on such processes and production lines to have knowledge of all the related systems.
The department mechatronics realizing this disparity between the concurrent industrial requirements and the knowledge imparted to the university graduates who are looking forward to join the system as practical engineers ventured into introducing Mechatronics Engineering from Jan 2020.
Graduates will have strong command on engineering principles as well as a sound capability of converting concepts to reality. They could find themselves in industry engaged with maintenance and operation of plant equipment such as boilers, compressors, turbines, instrumentation, automation and control of advanced industrial processes using such tools as PLC and microcontroller-based control systems, process simulation for plant modifications, defence and R&D applications, engineering management, or a variety of similar areas.
Many of our alumni have gone on to pursue further studies in renowned institutions of the world, in a variety of fields, such as Control Engineering, Digital Signal Processing, Power Electronics, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Mobile Robotics, Machine Vision and Distributed Robotics.
- Faculty Profiles
- Vision
- Mission
- PEO's
- PLO's
- IAB Committee
- Lab Facilities
- Curriculum
- Chairman's Message
- Annual Magazines
- Mapping
Annual Magazines
(in progress)
Annual Magazine 2023 for MCT
downloadAnnual Magazine 2022 for MCT
A multidisciplinary quality educational and research oriented department to solve modern engineering problems, and fulfill the domestic and global industrial and societal needs. To be a quality conscious institution of international standing imparting knowledge in the field of engineering and emerging technologies in a caring environment for the socioeconomic development of the country.
To create an independent and skill oriented environment equipped with modern technologies and facilities for the students. The department aim to produce socially responsible engineers and researchers having in depth technical knowledge of the field for a sustainable development of Pakistan. To fulfill the needs of the country by producing responsible graduates equipped with sound knowledge and skills along with highest moral values through conducive, learning environment.
IAB Committee
According to the manual of accreditation 2019 vid clause no. 2.5.7, the industrial advisory board (IAB) is a mandatory committee for the implementation of outcome-based education (OBE) in engineering programmes. The Department of Mechatronics Engineering also has members from abroad to get suggestions and directions for improvement in the outcome-based education system. These are the members of the industrial advisory board for the department of Mechatronics Engineering.
Sr. No Name Designation Institute/University Role Profile Link 1. Dr. Aqib Mashood Khan Assistant Professor (HoD) University of Chakwal Convener Link 1 2. Dr. Waheed Ur Rehman Assistant Professor University of Chakwal Member (Internal) Link 1 3. Dr. Sheraz Yaqub Assistant Professor University of Chakwal Member (Internal) Link 1 4. Dr. Muhammad Ahsan Gull Test Lead Engineer Philips Medisize, Denmark Member (Foreign) Link 1, Link 2, Link 3 5. Waqas Tanveer Assistant Director State Bank Member (External) Link 1 6. Rao Fahad Raiz Automation Engineer (Alumni) Elixir Technologies/ SNP Global Member (External) Link 1 7. Ejaz Ul Haq Head of Department Technical Training School Interlope Ltd Member (External) Link 1 8. Syed Umair Zameer XEN National Radio & Telecom Corporation Member (External) Link 1 9. Usama Maqsod Control Systems Engineer United Energy Pakistan Member (External) Link 1 10. Farhan Masood Senior Technical Expert JEE Automation, Shanghai Member (Foreign) Link 1 Lab Facilities
S.No Lab Name 1. Circuit Design Lab 2. Electronics Lab 3. Machine Vision and Embedded Systems Lab 4. CAD/CAM Lab 5. Computer Lab 6. Industrial Automation Lab 7. YRobotics and Control Lab 8. Research Lab 9. Final Year Project Lab 10. PLC Lab 11. Instrumentation and Sensing Lab Course Curriculum For Session 2024 To Onward
Course Curriculum For Session 2024 To Onward
1st Semester Course Code Course Title Credit Hours Knowledge Area Part I Part II GS-111 Calculus and Analytical Geometry 3 0 Natural Sciences ME-112 Engineering Statics 2 0 Engineering Foundation GS-113 Applied Physics 2 1 Natural Sciences HS-114 Islamic Studies/Ethics 2 0 Humanities HS-115 Functional English 3 0 Humanities HS-116 Occupational Health and Safety 1 0 Multi-Disciplinary Engineering CS-117 Applications of ICT 2 1 Computer Sciences HS-118 Translation of Holy Quran 1 0 Humanities Total 16 2 Semester Total for Part I and II 18 Cumulative credits 18 2nd Semester Course Code Course Title Credit Hours Knowledge Area Part I Part II GS-121 Differential Equations 3 0 Natural Sciences ME-122 Engineering Drawing & Graphics 0 2 Engineering Foundation CS-123 Computer Programming 2 1 Advance Computer and Information Sciences EE-124 Electric Circuits Analysis 3 1 Engineering Foundation HS-125 Arts and Humanities Elective * 2 0 Humanities HS-126 Ideology and Constitution of Pakistan 2 0 Humanities ME-127 Workshop Practice 0 1 Engineering Foundation Total 12 5 Semester Total for Part I and II 17 Cumulative credits 35 3rd Semester Course Code Course Title Credit Hours Knowledge Area Part I Part II GS-211 Linear Algebra 3 0 Natural Sciences EE-212 Electronics Devices and Circuits 3 1 Flexible Engineering ME-213 Engineering Dynamics 3 0 Engineering Foundation MTE-214 Solid Modelling 0 1 Major Based Course (Breadth) ME-215 Materials and Manufacturing Processes 3 0 Engineering Foundation CS-216 Data Structures and Object-Oriented Programming 2 1 Advance Computer and Information Sciences HS-217 Translation of Holy Quran 1 0 Humanities Total 15 3 Semester Total for Part I and II 18 Cumulative credits 53 4th Semester Course Code Course Title Credit Hours Knowledge Area Part I Part II GS-221 Multivariate Calculus and Transforms 3 0 Natural Sciences EE-222 Electronic Circuits Design 3 1 Major Based Course (Breadth) ME-223 Mechanics of Materials 2 1 Engineering Foundation CS-224 Digital Logic Design 2 1 Engineering Foundation ME-225 Fluid Mechanics 2 1 Engineering Foundation ME-226 Theory of Machines 2 0 Multi-Disciplinary Engineering Total 14 4 Semester Total for Part I and II 18 Cumulative credits 71 5th Semester Course Code Course Title Credit Hours Knowledge Area Part I Part II GS-311 Probability and Statistics 2 0 Engineering Foundation MTE-312 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems 2 2 Major Based Course (Breadth) ME-313 Design of Machine Elements 3 0 Major Based Course (Depth) MTE-314 Instrumentation and Measurement 3 1 Major Based Course (Breadth) HS-315 Project Management 2 0 Management Sciences HS-316 Expository Writing 3 0 Humanities HS-317 Translation of Holy Quran 1 0 Humanities Total 16 3 Semester Total for Part I and II 19 Cumulative credits 90 6th Semester Course Code Course Title Credit Hours Knowledge Area Part I Part II GS-321 Numerical Analysis 2 0 Natural Sciences MTE-322 Mechatronics Systems Design 2 2 Major Based Course (Depth) MTE-323 Modelling and Simulation 2 1 Multi-Disciplinary Engineering MTE-324 Technical Elective I *** 3 0 Major Based Course (Depth) MTE-325 Actuating Systems 3 1 Major Based Core (Breadth) HS-326 Civics and Community Engagement 2 0 Humanities Total 14 4 Semester Total for Part I and II 18 Cumulative credits 108 7th Semester Course Code Course Title Credit Hours Knowledge Area Part I Part II MTE-411 Robotics 3 1 Major Based Course (Depth) ME-412 Control Systems 3 1 Major Based Course (Breadth) HS-413 Social Sciences Elective ** 2 0 Humanities MTE-414 Technical Elective II *** 3 0 Major Based Core (Depth) CS-415 Artificial Intelligence 1 1 Advance Computer and Information Sciences MTE-416 FYDP (Part-I) 0 2 Final Year Design Project HS-417 Translation of Holy Quran 1 0 Humanities Total 13 5 Semester Total for Part I and II 18 Cumulative credits 126 8th Semester Course Code Course Title Credit Hours Knowledge Area Part I Part II MTE-421 Engineering Elective III *** 3 0 Major Based Course (Depth) MTE-422 Industrial Automation 2 1 Major Based Course (Depth) MTE-423 Fundamentals of Thermal Sciences 2 0 Flexible Engineering HS-424 Entrepreneurship 2 0 Management Sciences MTE-425 FYDP (Part-II) 0 4 Final Year Design Project Total 9 5 Semester Total for Part I and II 14 Cumulative credits 140 LIST OF ELECTIVES
S.No *** List of Technical Electives (3 Cr hrs.) 1. Power Electronics 2. Mechanical Vibrations 3. Special Topics in Mechatronics 4. Digital Signal Processing 5. Digital Control Systems 6. Digital Image Processing 7. Power Plant Systems 8. Introduction to Systems Engineering 9. Machine Vision 10. Introduction to Machine Learning 11. Advanced Artificial Intelligence 12. Precision Manufacturing 13. Energy resources and management 14. Intelligent Systems 15. Computer Aided Engineering 16. Digital Filter Design 17. Advanced Control Systems 18. Mobile Robotics 19. Internal Combustion Engine 20. Automotive Technology 21. Elect Instrumentation 22. Laser and its Applications 23. Condition Monitoring 24. Bio-Mechatronics 25. Data Communications and Networking 26. Fuzzy Logic 27. Applied Robotics 28. Internal Combustion Engines 29. Mechatronics Modeling for Automotive Systems 30. Power Train Systems 31. Embedded Systems 32. Computer Integrated Manufacturing 33. Internet of Things 34. Industry 4.0 35. Product Design 36. Aerial Robotics 37. Smart Electric Vehicles 38. Introduction to Biomedical Engineering 39. Signals and Systems 40. Applied Mobile Robotics 41. Computer Organization 42. Database Management Systems 43. Data Communication and Networks 44. Operating Systems 45. Computer Architecture 46. Web Design and Development 47. Game Development 48. Any other relevant course decided by the HEI as per requirement. S.No ** List of Social Science Electives (2+0) 1. Sociology for Engineers 2. Sociology 3. Social Psychology 4. Critical Thinking 5. Human Resource Management 6. Organizational Behavior 7. Engineering Law 8. Engineering Economics 9. Applied Psychology 10. Engineering Management 11. Financial Management 12. Marketing Management 13. Leadership and Personal 14. Grooming 15. Any other relevant course/ language decided by the HEI as per requirement. S.No * List of Arts and Humanities Electives (2+0) 1. Communication and Presentation Skills 2. Beginners Spanish 3. Elementary Arabic 4. Elementary French 5. Elementary Chinese 6. Philosophy 7. Professional Ethics 8. Any other relevant course/ language decided by the HEI as per requirement. Course Curriculum For Session 2023
Course Curriculum For Session 2023
1st Semester Course Code Course Title Credit Hours Prerequisite Knowledge Area Th. Pr. GS-111 Calculus and Analytical Geometry 3 0 Natural Sciences ME-112 Engineering Statics 3 0 Engineering Foundation HS-113 Social Sciences Electives I 2 0 Humanities ME-114 Workshop Practice 0 2 Engineering Foundation EE-115 Electric Circuits Analysis 3 1 Major Based Course (Breadth) HS-116 Islamic Studies 2 0 Humanities Total 13 3 Semester Total for Part I and II 16 Cumulative credits 16 2nd Semester Course Code Course Title Credit Hours Prerequisite Knowledge Area Th. Pr. GS-121 ODE & Linear Algebra 3 0 GS-111 Natural Sciences ME-122 Engineering Drawing 0 2 Engineering Foundation CS-123 Computer Programming 2 1 Computing GS-124 Applied Physics 3 1 Natural Sciences HS-125 Technical Report Writing 2 0 Humanities HS-126 Pakistan Studies 2 0 Humanities HS-127 Communication Skills 2 0 Humanities Total 14 4 Semester Total for Part I and II 18 Cumulative credits 34 3rd Semester Course Code Course Title Credit Hours Prerequisite Knowledge Area Th. Pr. GS-211 Vector Calculus 3 0 GS-111, GS-121 Natural Sciences EE-212 Electronics Devices and Circuits 3 1 EE-115 Engineering Foundation ME-213 Engineering Dynamics 3 0 ME-112 Engineering Foundation MTE-214 Solid Modelling 0 1 Major Based Course (Breadth) ME-215 Materials and Manufacturing Processes 3 0 Engineering Foundation CS-216 Data Structures and Object-Oriented Programming 3 1 CS-123 Computing HS-217 Social Sciences Electives II 2 0 Social Sciences Total 17 3 Semester Total for Part I and II 20 Cumulative credits 54 4th Semester Course Code Course Title Credit Hours Prerequisite Knowledge Area Th. Pr. GS-221 Complex Variables and Transform 3 0 GS-111, GS-121 Natural Sciences EE-222 Electronic Circuits Design 3 1 EE-212 Major Based Course (Breadth) EE-223 Signals and Systems 2 0 Engineering Foundation ME-224 Fluid Mechanics 2 1 ME-112,ME-213 Engineering Foundation CS-225 Digital Logic Design 2 1 EE-115 Computing MTE-226 Actuating Systems 3 1 Engineering Foundation Total 15 4 Semester Total for Part I and II 19 Cumulative credits 73 5th Semester Course Code Course Title Credit Hours Prerequisite Knowledge Area Th. Pr. GS-311 Probability and Statistics 3 0 GS-111, GS-121 Natural Sciences MTE-312 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems 2 2 CS-225, CS-123 Major Based Course (Breadth) ME-313 Mechanics of Materials 2 1 ME-112 Major Based Course (Breadth) MTE-314 Instrumentation and Measurement 3 1 CS-225, EE-212, EE-223 Major Based Course (Breadth) ME-315 Theory of Machines 2 1 Engineering Foundation HS-316 Modelling and Simulation 3 0 GS-121, GS-221 ME-224, MTE-226 Major Based Core (Breadth) Total 15 5 Semester Total for Part I and II 20 Cumulative credits 93 6th Semester Course Code Course Title Credit Hours Prerequisite Knowledge Area Th. Pr. GS-321 Numerical Methods 2 0 CS-123, GS-121 Natural Sciences MTE-322 Mechatronics Systems Design 2 2 MS-316, MTE-312, MTE-314 Major Based Course (Breadth) MTE-323 Design of Machine Elements 2 0 ME-112 Major Based Course (Breadth) MTE-324 Engineering Elective I 3 0 Major Based Course (Breadth) MS-325 Management Sciences Elective 3 0 Humanities ME-326 Control Systems 3 1 MS-316 Major Based Course (Breadth) Total 15 3 Semester Total for Part I and II 18 Cumulative credits 111 7th Semester Course Code Course Title Credit Hours Prerequisite Knowledge Area Th. Pr. MTE-411 Robotics 3 1 MS-325, ME-112 Major Based Course (Breadth) ME-412 Fundamentals of Thermal Sciences 3 1 GS-124 Major Based Course (Breadth) MTE-413 Engineering Elective II 3 0 Major Based Course (Breadth) MS-414 Engineering Economics 3 0 Management Sciences MTE-415-A Senior Design Project 0 3 Senior Design Project Total 12 5 Semester Total for Part I and II 17 Cumulative credits 128 8th Semester Course Code Course Title Credit Hours Prerequisite Knowledge Area Th. Pr. MTE-421 Engineering Elective III 3 0 Major Based Course (Breadth) MTE-422 Industrial Automation 2 1 Major Based Course (Breadth) MTE-415-B Senior Design Project 0 3 Senior Design Project Total 5 4 Semester Total for Part I and II 09 Cumulative credits 137 ELECTIVES
S.No Engineering Electives 1. Power Electronics 2. Mechanical Vibrations 3. Special Topics in Mechatronics 4. Digital Signal Processing 5. Digital Control Systems 6. Digital Image Processing 7. Power Plant Systems 8. Introduction to Systems Engineering 9. Machine Vision 10. Machine Learning 11. Artificial Intelligence 12. Precision Manufacturing 13. Energy resources and management 14. Intelligent Systems 15. Computer Aided Engineering 16. Digital Filter Design 17. Advanced Control Systems 18. Mobile Robotics 19. Internal Combustion Engine 20. Automotive Technology 21. Elect Instrumentation 22. Laser and its Applications 23. Condition Monitoring 24. Bio-Mechatronics 25. Data Communications and Networking 26. Fuzzy Logic 27. Applied Robotics 28. Internal Combustion Engines 29. Mechatronics Modeling for Automotive Systems 30. Power Train Systems 31. Embedded Systems 32. Computer Integrated Manufacturing 33. Or any other relevant course S.No Social Sciences Elective 1. Professional Ethics 2. Sociology and Development 3. Organizational Behavior 4. Introduction to Philosophy 5. English 6. Or any other relevant course (s) S.No Management Sciences Elective 1. Engineering Management 2. Total Quality Management (TQM) 3. Entrepreneurship 4. Principles of Management 5. Research Methodology 6. Knowledge Management 7. Or any other relevant course (s) Course Curriculum For Session 2020 To 2022
Course Curriculum For Session 2020 To 2022
1st Semester Course Code Course Title Credit Hours Prerequisite Knowledge Area Th. Pr. GS-111 Calculus and Analytical Geometry 3 0 Natural Sciences ME-112 Engineering Statics 3 0 Engineering Foundation HS-113 Communication Skills 2 0 Humanities ME-114 Workshop Practice 0 2 Engineering Foundation EE-115 Electric Circuits Analysis 3 1 Major Based Course (Breadth) HS-116 Islamic Studies 2 0 Humanities HS-117 Translation of Holy Quran 1 0 Humanities Total 14 3 Semester Total for Part I and II 17 Cumulative credits 17 2nd Semester Course Code Course Title Credit Hours Prerequisite Knowledge Area Th. Pr. GS-121 ODE & Linear Algebra 3 0 GS-111 Natural Sciences ME-122 Engineering Drawing 0 2 Engineering Foundation CS-123 Computer Programming 2 1 Computing GS-124 Applied Physics 3 1 Natural Sciences HS-125 Technical Report Writing 2 0 Humanities HS-126 Pakistan Studies 2 0 Humanities HS-127 Social Sciences Electives I 2 0 Social Sciences Total 14 4 Semester Total for Part I and II 18 Cumulative credits 35 3rd Semester Course Code Course Title Credit Hours Prerequisite Knowledge Area Th. Pr. GS-211 Vector Calculus 3 0 GS-111, GS-121 Natural Sciences EE-212 Electronics Devices and Circuits 3 1 EE-115 Engineering Foundation ME-213 Engineering Dynamics 3 0 ME-112 Engineering Foundation MTE-214 Solid Modelling 0 1 Major Based Course (Breadth) ME-215 Materials and Manufacturing Processes 3 0 Engineering Foundation CS-216 Data Structures and Object-Oriented Programming 3 1 CS-123 Computing HS-127 Social Sciences Electives II 2 0 Social Sciences HS-218 Translation of Holy Quran 1 0 Humanities Total 18 3 Semester Total for Part I and II 21 Cumulative credits 56 4th Semester Course Code Course Title Credit Hours Prerequisite Knowledge Area Th. Pr. GS-221 Complex Variables and Transform 3 0 GS-111, GS-121 Natural Sciences EE-222 Electronic Circuits Design 3 1 EE-212 Major Based Course (Breadth) EE-223 Signals and Systems 2 0 ME-112, ME-215 Engineering Foundation ME-224 Mechanics of Materials 2 1 Major Based Course (Breadth) CS-225 Digital Logic Design 2 1 EE-115 Computing MTE-226 Actuating Systems 3 1 Engineering Foundation Total 15 4 Semester Total for Part I and II 19 Cumulative credits 75 5th Semester Course Code Course Title Credit Hours Prerequisite Knowledge Area Th. Pr. GS-311 Probability and Statistics 3 0 GS-111, GS-121 Natural Sciences MTE-312 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems 2 2 CS-225, CS-123 Major Based Course (Breadth) ME-313 Fluid Mechanics 2 1 ME-112 Engineering Foundation MTE-314 Instrumentation and Measurement 3 1 Major Based Course (Breadth) ME-315 Theory of Machines 2 1 Engineering Foundation HS-316 Management Sciences Elective 3 0 Humanities HS-317 Translation of Holy Quran 1 0 Humanities Total 16 5 Semester Total for Part I and II 21 Cumulative credits 96 6th Semester Course Code Course Title Credit Hours Prerequisite Knowledge Area Th. Pr. GS-321 Numerical Methods 2 0 CS-123, GS-121 Natural Sciences MTE-322 Mechatronics Systems Design 2 2 Major Based Course (Breadth) MTE-323 Design of Machine Elements 2 0 ME-112 Major Based Course (Breadth) MTE-324 Engineering Elective I 3 0 Major Based Course (Breadth) MS-325 Modelling and Simulation 3 0 GS-211 Major Based Course (Breadth) ME-326 Fundamentals of Thermal Sciences 3 1 GS-124 Major Based Course (Breadth) Total 15 3 Semester Total for Part I and II 18 Cumulative credits 114 7th Semester Course Code Course Title Credit Hours Prerequisite Knowledge Area Th. Pr. MTE-411 Robotics 3 1 MS-325, ME-112 Major Based Course (Breadth) ME-412 Control Systems 3 1 MS-325 Major Based Course (Breadth) MTE-413 Engineering Elective II 3 0 Major Based Course (Breadth) MS-414 Engineering Economics 3 0 Management Sciences MTE-415-A Senior Design Project 0 3 Senior Design Project HS-416 Translation of Holy Quran 1 0 Management Sciences Total 13 5 Semester Total for Part I and II 18 Cumulative credits 132 8th Semester Course Code Course Title Credit Hours Prerequisite Knowledge Area Th. Pr. MTE-421 Engineering Elective III 3 0 MS-325, ME-112 Major Based Course (Breadth) MTE-422 Industrial Automation 2 1 MS-225 Major Based Course (Breadth) MTE-415-B Senior Design Project 0 3 Senior Design Project Total 5 4 Semester Total for Part I and II 09 Cumulative credits 141 Chairman's Message
Welcome to Mechatronics engineering at UOC. Our graduates work in almost every technology-based industry: robotics automation, instrumentation, manufacturing, automotive, space and aerospace, bioengineering, chemical and textiles. Our goal for undergraduate students is to give them a high-quality engineering education that includes hands-on experience. Each of our faculty members is ready and willing to work in their research specialty with capable students on individual projects. Our faculty has two major areas of research: intelligent systems and robotics & automation. Both areas strongly support the growing automotive and manufacturing industries.
We strive to ensure that all our students have a strong education with teaming and leadership skills, involvement in student activities, and the practical background of co-op and internship experience. We believe that emphasizing these areas will make our students well qualified to take leadership roles in the future. We also have a strong post graduate program in mechatronics engineering. Our master’s and doctoral students give numerous technical presentations in courses and on their research. All graduate students are also expected to publish their research in relevant peer reviewed engineering journals and high level conferenes . Whether you are a current or former student, a potential student, or a visitor, please feel free to contact or visit us. Again, welcome to the Department.Dr. Waheed Ur Rehman Chairman Department of Mechatronics Engineering University of Chakwal Educational Outcomes (PEO's)
Mechatronics Engineering Graduates will demonstrate their knowledge and skills to solve industrial problems.
Mechatronics Engineering Graduates will exhibit strong moral values and demonstrate respect towards society.
Mechatronics Engineering Graduates will manage their individual and team tasks effectively.
Mapping of PEO’s with Vision and Mission of Institution
Table shows Mapping of PEO’s with Vision and Mission:
S.No PEO’s Vision Mission Statement 1. Mechatronics Engineering Graduates will demonstrate their knowledge and skills to solve industrial problems. ✔ ✔ 2. Mechatronics Engineering Graduates will exhibit strong moral values and demonstrate respect towards society. ✔ ✔ 3. Mechatronics Engineering Graduates will manage their individual and team tasks effectively. ✔ ✔ Programme Learning Outcomes (PLOs) For Session 2024 onward
PLO-1: Engineering Knowledge
Apply knowledge of mathematics, natural science, engineering fundamentals, and engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
PLO-2: Problem Analysis
Identify, formulate, conduct research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
PLO-3: Design/Development of Solutions
An ability to design solutions for complex engineering problems and design systems, components, or processes that meet specified needs with appropriate consideration for public health and safety, cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
PLO-4: Investigation
Conduct investigation of complex engineering problems using research-based knowledge and research methods, including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of information to provide valid conclusions.
PLO-5: Tool Usage
Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools, including prediction and modeling, to complex engineering problems, with an understanding of the limitations.
PLO-6: The Engineer and the World
Analyze and evaluate sustainable development impacts to society, the economy, sustainability, health and safety, legal frameworks, and the environment while solving complex engineering problems.
PLO-7: Ethics
Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and norms of engineering practice and adhere to relevant national and international laws. Demonstrate an understanding of the need for diversity and inclusion.
PLO-8: Individual and Collaborative Team Work
Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse and inclusive teams and in multi-disciplinary, face-to-face, remote, and distributed settings.
PLO-9: Communication
Communicate effectively and inclusively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, and make effective presentations, taking into account cultural, language, and learning differences.
PLO-10: Project Management and Finance
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of engineering management principles and economic decision making and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects in multidisciplinary environments.
PLO-11: Lifelong Learning
Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability for i) independent and life-long learning ii) adaptability to new and emerging technologies and iii) critical thinking in the broadest context of technological change.
Programme Learning Outcomes (PLO's) For Session 2020, 2021, 2022 & 2023
PLO-01: Engineering Knowledge
An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
PLO-02: Problem Analysis
An ability to identify, formulate, research literature, and analyse complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
PLO-03: Design/Development of Solutions
An ability to design solutions for complex engineering problems and design systems, components or processes that meet specified needs with appropriate consideration for public health and safety, cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
PLO-04: Investigation
An ability to investigate complex engineering problems in a methodical way including literature survey, design and conduct of experiments, analysis and interpretation of experimental data, and synthesis of information to derive valid conclusions.
PLO-05: Modern Tool Usage
An ability to create, select and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools, including prediction and modelling, to complex engineering activities, with an understanding of the limitations.
PLO-06: The Engineer and Society
An ability to apply reasoning informed by contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to professional engineering practice and solution to complex engineering problems.
PLO-07: Environment and Sustainability
An ability to understand the impact of professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts and demonstrate knowledge of and need for sustainable development.
PLO-08: Ethics
Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of engineering practice.
PLO-09: Individual and Teamwork
An ability to work effectively, as an individual or in a team, on multifaceted and /or multidisciplinary settings.
PLO-10: Communication
An ability to communicate effectively, orally as well as in writing, on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
PLO-11: Project Management
An ability to demonstrate management skills and apply engineering principles to one’s own work, as a member and/or leader in a team, to manage projects in a multidisciplinary environment.
PLO-12: Lifelong Learning
An ability to recognize importance of and pursue lifelong learning in the broader context of innovation and technological developments.
Dr. Waheed Ur Rehman
Assistant Professor (HEC Approved Supervisor)
PEC Reg No.: Mechatro/00998
Post Doctorate in Mechatronics Engineering
Beijing University of Technology, Beijing, ChinaPh.D. Mechanical Engineering
Chongqing University, Chongqing, ChinaM.Sc. Mechatronics Engineering
Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing, ChinaB.Sc. Mechatronics Engineering
Google Scholar Link
University of Engineering & Technology, Taxila, PakistanDr. Bushra Nawaz
Ph.D. Electronics Engineering
University of Engineering & Technology, Taxila, PakistanMSc Telecom Engineering
University of Engineering & Technology, Taxila, PakistanBSc. Telecom Engineering
University of Engineering & Technology, Taxila, PakistanDr. Sheraz Yaqub
Assistant Professor
PEC Reg No.: Mechatro/01251
MS/MPhil leading to PhD Mechatronics Engineering
Hanyang University, ERICA, South KoreaB.Sc. Mechatronics Engineering
Google Scholar Link
University of Engineering & Technology, Taxila, Chakwal Campus, PakistanEngr. M. Arqum Razzaq
PEC Reg No.: Mechatro/1007
Ph.D. Mechatronics Engineering (In Progress)
Air University, Islamabad, Pakistan.M.Sc. Mechatronics & Control Engineering
University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore, PakistanB.Sc. Mechatronics Engineering
University of Engineering & Technology, Taxila, PakistanEngr. Bilal Ahmed
Lab Engineer
PEC Reg No.: Mechatro/01276
M.Sc. Mechanical Engineering
University of Engineering & Technology, Taxila, PakistanB.Sc. Mechatronics Engineering
University of Engineering & Technology, Taxila, PakistanEngr. Sana Liaquat
PEC Reg No.: Mechatro/00804
MS. Mechatronics Engineering
CEME NUST, Rawalpindi, Pakistan.B.E. Mechatronics Engineering
Air University, Islamabad, PakistanEngr. Muhammad Usama Farooq
Lab Engineer
PEC Reg No.: Mechatro/01692
M.Sc. Mechatronics Engineering
De Montfort University, United Kingdom.B.E. Mechatronics Engineering
Air University, Islamabad, Pakistan.Staff
Engr. Kashif Bilal
Lab Supervisor
PEC Reg No.: Mech/27683
BS Mechanical Engineering
HITEC University, Taxila.Muhammad Sohaib Raza
Lab Supervisor
B-Tech. Mechanical Engineering (Pass)
Preston University, Islamabad.
