1. Limited hostel accommodation is available for male students only.
2. Accommodation to all male students of 1st year will be provided by the university, however only limited accommodation will be available on merit for other students.
3. A casual student or a student involved in any act of misconduct, indiscipline, violation of rules or involvement in any political and objectionable activities shall be ineligible for hostel accommodation.
4. If the attendance of a student is short, his hostel allotment shall be cancelled.
5. He may apply for fresh allotment after the next semester if his attendance is up to the mark at that me.
6. A student shall not occupy a room without due allotment. He shall not transfer it to any other person, nor exchange it with another student without permission of the Senior Warden.
7. The furniture assigned to a room shall not be shied from it. A resident shall be responsible for the articles issued to him and shall return them to the hostel authorities when leaving the room or hostel. He shall be responsible for making good, any loss or damage to these articles.
8. A resident who breaks or damages any University property shall have to pay the cost of the articles, in addition to any disciplinary action that may be taken against him.
9. The residents shall not tamper with the room fittings, nor shall they get the doors fitted with internal locks.
10. A room or any part of the hostel premises shall not be used as an office, reading room, library or for any other similar purpose by a political, religious, regional or sectarian body of the students.
11. The residents shall not leave lights, fans or other appliances ON when the rooms are not in use.
12. The use of electric heaters and air coolers is strictly prohibited in the halls of residence. In case of violation, the appliance/device shall be confiscated.
13. The residents are not allowed to use air conditioners, refrigerators, ovens or similar electrical appliances. A student who violates this restriction will be liable to punishment under rules of discipline, and shall also pay the cost of any damages to the wiring or other fittings, which will be determined by the Senior Warden.
14. The residents are advised in their own interest, not to keep in their room’s cash or valuable articles.
15. The residents shall be responsible for keeping their rooms tidy and clean. They shall not dispose of litter in the verandahs or other parts of the hostel premises.
16. Smoking is strictly prohibited in the hostel premises.
17. Every part of the hostel shall be opened to the hostel authorities for inspection at any me during day or night.
18. The residents are not allowed to wear immodest dress in the hostel.
19. The residents shall not keep in the hostel any fire arms or other weapons, even if licensed. Violation of this rule shall render a resident liable to expulsion from the University.
20. A resident shall not indulge in any amusement, which is likely to cause nuisance to others. Loudspeakers, woofers and other instruments causing disturbance too the resident students are not allowed in the hostel premises. In case of violation, the appliance/device shall be confiscated.
21. Any religious ceremony likely to injure the sentiments of other residents shall not be performed in the hostel.
22. The residents are not allowed to gamble or to use any into xi cant sand narcotics. Violation of this restriction shall render a resident liable to expulsion from the University hostel, in addition to any criminal proceedings that may be instituted against him under the Penal Law of Pakistan.
23. The resident students shall not be allowed to accommodate anybody else with them. In case an unauthorized person or a non‐student is found residing in any room of the hostel, strict disciplinary action shall be taken against the resident students concerned which may result into immediate expulsion from the hostel.
24. Wall chalking, displaying of un‐approved posters, pasting of unauthorized notices etc. in the hostels as well as in the university premises is strictly prohibited. The students involved in such activities shall be punished in accordance with the University Discipline Rules.
25. The students are not allowed to form and/ or join any unauthorized society, association or group etc. in the hostels as well as in the university on regional, political and sectarian basis. The students showing affiliation with such associations will be dealt in accordance with the University Students Discipline Rules. Unauthorized gathering, arrangement of pares and tours etc. and collection of donations by the students is also strictly prohibited in the hostels as well as in the university premises.
26. Students will have to vacate the hostel accommodation within a week of the expiry of the final semester regular examination.
27. The Senior Warden may cancel the allotment of a student who violates the Students Discipline Rules of the University.
28. The resident students must respect every one specially the elders and the hostel staff. If he/she humiliates or causes to humiliate any one, strict disciplinary action shall be taken against him besides cancellation of hostel allotment.